Saturday, November 23, 2013

How To create Gmail Account In Urdu [Class Two]

Gmail Sign upWhenever we want to register an account on Blogger,Facebook etc we need an email address for creating the account .If you have created an id on facebook so definitely you know that you had given some information with your email address.It does not require only for facebook account but if you go for any website it asks for registration.As we are going to create a blog so an email address is strongly required.
  In this class we tell tell you How to Sign up for an account but before that some question arrives.
What service i choose for mailing?
When a new users googles so many websites comes in result for creating the email id but the question asks which service he should use so the answer is there are 3 mailing services commonly use now a days like Gmail,Yahoo and Hotmail (known as Outlook ) but  we have to sign up for a Gmail Account for creating blog site and i will suggest you too.You may use any other mailing service but use Gmail service to make your own blog because all the blog hosting depends on google services like picasa, google video etc.
Why i sign up for Gmail account?
I am using Gmail service for 4 to 5 years and i am completely satisfied with Gmail because it never disappointed me.but i will suggest you gmail account for making a blog + it's features.

Gmail Hidden Features
  • Gmail provides 10+GB for Storage .
  • It gives mail scanning service for securing the account and data.
  • we can send 25 Mb size file/mail.
  • It's service never stops and breaks mean real time service.
  • Simple and easy customization for sending a mail.
  • Tab system manage all the mail for separation in different tabs.
  • It delivers the mail earlier than other services.
How to Create a Gmail Account?
The Process of making gmail account depends on 13 easy steps and i will try to make you understand .
Many newbie users don't know that what is the first step to take before creating the account and here is the answer that first of you open and type "Gmail Signup" and hit the enter key.

Gmail Signup Search

You can see many links displaying on screen but click on first link for entering into signup process.

A page will come in front of you asking for some information and here our class starts .First box named as "Name" containing two boxes for First and Last name.Here you have to write the first part of your name like i have written "Jamil" in first name's box and "Ahmed" in second box.

Next box " Choose your Username" asking the name upon your email address will be created.First time you might have error 'Name is already taken" etc but you have to write some digits with your name to complete this process or you can choose another username depends on you.

Now the next box asking for a password and this is the secret code you will use for logging into your account so be careful choosing a password . It can be simple but simple password can be dangerous like not to try give your birth date , cell phone no etc because mostly our friends and colleagues knows these things.
After putting the password in first box do write again in second box for confirmation of your password.

Next box asking for you birth date here you have to write the exact date of birth because giving incorrect information could be the cause of losing the account in future.Do remember that date of birth is given in Month/Day/Year sequence.

Now we have the option of gender and here it is asking whether you are male or female ?

In "Mobile Phone" box type your phone number which is in your use and this Phone number will be used next time for the recovery of your gmail account.

Do you have another email address in your use if you so type in this box and this email id will also be asked next time when you will lost your password .

Now you have to prove that you are a human not a robot . Some of softwares being used for creating email ids at a once so you have to put the given code in the box .This option gmail requires for the verification if you have ticked the box under the text so you won't be asked for verification code .Gmail will send you a text code on your mobile and then you can verify your account though the mobile code.

In second last step gmail asks you the country name.

If you are agreed with gmail's created terms,service and privacy policies as these are simple so just tick the box and hit the  "Next Step" button.

Now you will be redirected to next page asking you to upload your profile photo. Click on "Add a Photo" And go to locations of your pictures and choose a good picture and click " Set as profile Photo"
After uploading the photo click on "Next Step" again .

On next page gmail will welcome you in its circle and hitting the Get Started button will take you to the mail box..

If you have any question and queries regarding this post so you may ask me through comment box.
Gmail Account Free

Making Gmail Account

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